
When you visit a website or in any other way uses the services of Dates4Cash Netherlands ( hereafter refered to as: 'Dates4Cash' ), the information supplied by you will be recorded and processed. tjhe responsibility for the data processing is with Dates4Cash.

Dates4Cash considers it important to deal with the infprmation supplied by you in a accurate and confidential manner. Dates4Cash therefore acts in accordance with the law concerning Protection of personal data, the Telecommunication law and all other relevant and / or applicable laws and rulings with regards to privacy protection.

The Purpose of data registration

The personal data supplied by you will be processed by Dates4Cash for the following purposes:

     - To support the realisation and execution of the agreement. For instance to search based upon your profile for the best fitting profile of potential candidates and furthermore to present your profile in the search to other members.

       - To invoice you in the case that you acquired a paid service from Dates4Cash or purchased a product.

       - To keep you up-to-date on the products and services of Dates4Cash.

       - To send you a newsletter, user information, services messages or any other (electronic) information.

       - To show you specific advertisement; It is possible that Dates4Cash would like you to consider a product or service that we consider of interest to you based upon the personal data you supplied us.

        - To comply with the for Dates4Cash applicable legal rulings.

Furthermore Dates4Cash may use the information on a bsis of anonimity for statistical analysis purposes. The use of this information however is not traceble to you but strictly applies to bundled user information such as: how many men or women are visiting the site, or which age group comprises of the largest number of users, etc. This information enables Dates4Cash to adapt her products and services continuously to the requirements and wishes of her clients. This anonymous data can be applied by Dates4Cash for various commercial purposes of which might include purposes for third parties.

Data supply to third parties

Your personal data ( other than the data that is part of your Profile) will not be supplied to third parties unless specific permission has been obtained from you. except under the following situation. It is conceivable that Dates4Cash, obliged by local current legal and/or ruling requirements, must provide such data, for instance to the police within the framework of a criminal or forensic investigation. In those cases Date4Case will ony provide this information once it has clearly established that such legal and / or local rulings do apply. Finally, Dates4Cash can provide your data to third parties in the case for instance when a third party is of the opinion that your data does infringe on illegal expressions and / or actions on one or more of the Dates4Cash websites. However in those cases Dates4Cash will release your data only under strict conditions whereby your interests will always be firmly taken into consideration.

Securing data

Dates4Cash respects the privacy of her members and other users and makes sure that confidential personal data will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality. All personal data are stored securely within the Dates4Cash administration. The database of Dates4Cash is only accessible to Dates4Cash employees which, as part of their job responsibility, are required to access the data. Dates4Cash makes every reasonable effort to secure the data against loss or illegal use, thereby applying all applicable and technologies organoizational measures, taking into account the latest state-of-the-art technology. Dates4Cash is not responsible for illegal access to its computers or datafiles via advertizing, virusses, or other illegal programmes of datafiles, or any other consequence of the presentation of data to Dates4Cash.

Access to and correction of data and the right to terminate

You can at anytime and at no cost obtain access to your data stored by Dates4Cash and change this data anyway you like. You can also object against receiving information from Dates4Cash via email. In that case please inform us in writing or send an email to: [email protected]

Changes to the Declaration of Privacy

Dates4Cash retains the right to make changes to the Privacy Declaration above. Each and every change will be  published on this page. We advise you to regularly consult this page so that you are constantly up-to-date as to the current Privacy Declaration.

The current Privacy Declaration has been updated most recently on juli 10, 2012.